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# Coss Marte Net Worth Age Height Weight Relationship Career and Wiki Coss Marte's journey from a challenging upbringing to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to resilience and determination. With a focus on transforming lives through fitness and wellness, Marte has built a thriving business empire. His net worth, age, height, weight, and personal life remain intriguing topics for those curious about the man behind the inspiring success story. As we explore the various facets of his career and personal journey, one cannot help but wonder about the untold details that contribute to his remarkable trajectory. ## Early Life and Background Coss Marte, a self-made entrepreneur, was born in the bustling city of New York. Raised in a neighborhood where opportunities were scarce and crime rates high, Marte faced numerous challenges from a young age. At the tender age of 13, he started selling drugs, eventually becoming a prominent figure in the local drug trade. However, his crimi...